animals - invertebrate
Eudendrium glomeratum
Eudendrium glomeratum illustration marine hydroid
freshwater jellyfish
a freshwater jellyfish (hydromedusa) illustration Craspedacusta sowerbii medusa and polyp stages
Crystal jelly
Crystal jelly illustration Aequorea victoria
Pink helmet
Pink helmet hydromedusa illustration Aglantha digitale
Toothed feather hydroid
Toothed feather hydroid or podded hydroid illustration Aglaophenia pluma a colonial… Read more »
String jellyfish
String jellyfish or barbed wire jellyfish illustration Apolemia uvaria
Fresh-water polyp
Fresh-water polyp illustration Hydra vulgaris
Halammohydra schulzei
Halammohydra schulzei illustration
Snail fur
Snail fur illustration Hydractinia echinata polyp stage
Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse on gorgonian coral
Illustration of Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse on gorgonian coral Hippocampus bargibanti on… Read more »
Odorous house ant
Odorous house ant or Coconut ant illustration Tapinoma sessile
Honeybee illustration Apis mellifera
Formosan subterranean termite soldier
Formosan subterranean termite illustration Coptotermes formosanus soldier
Eastern subterranean termite
Eastern subterranean termite illustration Reticulitermes flavipes soldier
Tropical rough-headed drywood termite soldier
Tropical rough-headed drywood termite illustration Cryptotermes brevis soldier
Caribbean crazy ant
Caribbean crazy ant illustration Paratrechina pubens
Brown dog tick
Brown dog tick illustration Rhipicephalus sanguineus female
Argentine ant
Argentine ant illustration Linepithema humile
White footed ant
White footed ant illustration Technomyrmex albipes
Varied carpet beetle
Varied carpet beetle illustration Anthrenus verbasci