animals - vertebrate
Shortnose gar
Shortnose gar illustration Lepisosteus platostomus
Longnose gar
Longnose gar illustration Lepisosteus osseus
Spotted gar
Spotted gar illustration Lepisosteus oculatus
Tropical gar
Tropical gar illustration Atractosteus tropicus
Cuban gar
Cuban gar illustration Atractosteus tristoechus
Alligator gar
Alligator gar illustration Atractosteus spatula
Florida gar
Florida gar illustration Lepisosteus platyrhincus
Smallmouth bass
Smallmouth bass illustration Micropterus dolomieu
Anhinga illustration Also known as snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey Anhinga anhinga
American paddlefish
American paddlefish illustration Polyodon spathula
Mangrove killifish
Mangrove killifish or Mangrove rivulus fish illustration Kryptolebias marmoratus
Mummichog illustration Fundulus heteroclitus male
Lyretail panchax
Cape Lopez lyretail or Lyretail panchax fish illustration Aphyosemion australe male
Largescale four-eyed fish
Largescale four-eyed fish illustration Anableps anableps male
White-cheeked pintail
White-cheeked pintail duck illustration Anas bahamensis
Magdalena tapaculo
Magdalena tapaculo bird illustration Scytalopus rodriguezi
Stiles’s tapaculo
Stiles’s tapaculo bird illustration Scytalopus stilesi
West Indian whistling duck
West Indian whistling duck illustration Dendrocygna arborea Also known as the black-billed… Read more »
Painted frogfish
Painted frogfish illustration Antennarius pictus
Water shrew diving
Illustration of a water shrew diving Sorex palustris