animals - vertebrate
Common raven
Common raven illustration Corvus corax
California sea lion male
Illustration of California sea lion male Zalophus californianus
California sea lion female
Illustration of California sea lion female, swimming Zalophus californianus
Brown pelican
Brown pelican illustration Pelecanus occidentalis
Bald eagle
Bald eagle illustration Haliaeetus leucocephalus
North American beaver
North American beaver illustration Castor canadensis
Musculature of a fish (Yellow perch)
Musculature of a fish (Yellow perch), lateral view Perca flavescens
Wrinkled hornbills
Wrinkled hornbills (or Sunda wrinkled hornbills) illustration Aceros corrugatus male and… Read more »
Golden-bellied grosbeaks
Golden-bellied (or Southern yellow) grosbeaks illustration Pheucticus chrysogaster male and female
North American river otter
North American river otter illustration Lontra canadensis
Gray seal male
Gray seal illustration Halichoerus grypus male
Hooded mergansers
Hooded mergansers illustration Lophodytes cucullatus female and male
Harbor seal
Harbor seal illustration Phoca vitulina
Southern rockhopper penguin
Southern rockhopper penguin illustration Eudyptes chrysocome
Shenandoah salamander
Shenandoah salamander illustration Plethodon shenandoah striped morph
Ruddy turnstone, non-breeding plumage
Ruddy turnstone, non-breeding plumage illustration Arenaria interpres
Ruddy turnstone, breeding plumage
Ruddy turnstone, breeding plumage illustration Arenaria interpres
Red knot, non-breeding plumage
Red knot illustration Calidris canutus non-breeding plumage
Red knot breeding plumage
Red knot illustration Calidris canutus breeding plumage
Bluegill sunfish illustration Lepomis macrochirus