Freshwater Fishes book cover art
Over the past couple years, I’ve been working with the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Press to provide cover art for two of their field guides. The second edition of A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Ontario by Erling Holm, Nicholas E. Mandrake, and Mary E. Burridge came out in 2021; its cover features my illustration of a brook trout swimming above the bottom of a creek bed.

Cover art for the book A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Ontario, 2nd ed.
Unfortunately, the cover was printed a bit dark; you can see my original version here.
Trees of Ontario book cover art
This spring, I was delighted to walk into the local bookstore and see my cover art on the ROM’s first edition of A Field Guide to Trees of Ontario by James E. Eckenwalder, Deborah A. Metsger, Timothy A. Dickinson, and Sarah H. Hodges. The front cover features my illustration of a White Elm, and for the back cover I illustrated a Tamarack twig with cones.

White Elm and Tamarack cover art for the book A Field Guide to Trees of Ontario
Field guides are treasures, in my opinion, so it feels like a great privilege to be associated with these two wonderful books. I wish I could say that my illustrations pepper the pages within, but alas, that isn’t the case. Instead you’ll find photographs and some great information about each species covered.
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They’re both gorgeous but I especially like the fish!
Well done! You are so talented.
Thank you, Emily — these are wonderful!!
Thank you, Karen, Gerrie, and Dave! 🙂