This past weekend I attended the Opening Reception for the 2016 Exhibit of the Southern Ontario Nature and Science Illustrators at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery in Southern Ontario.
I have six pieces in this exhibit, including these two goldenrod paintings, two of my recent marine life illustrations, my Common raven painting, and my Princess Point illustration.
They are on the back wall:
The Gallery is a lovely venue, and its staff did a fantastic job setting up the exhibit.

Just before one enters the Gallery there’s a small table with SONSI members’ business cards or post cards on it. Upon entering the exhibit space, one sees a table featuring publications that include the work of SONSI members. Coincidentally, our exhibit went up just before Science Literacy Week, so this table was the perfect tie-in.
A number of people from the local community came to the event, and the Gallery’s Director Rhona Wenger warmly welcomed everyone.
This exhibit is up until November 6, 2016.